Poetry in the Park #3: Celebrate Yourself!
Poetry in the Park #3: Celebrate Yourself!
An outdoor Open-Mic event open to anyone who wants to perform their poetry. We welcome everything from spoken word poetry to rap, bush poets to lyricists, and in ANY language.
This month we’re all about celebrating!
Celebrate yourself! Celebrate your friends! Celebrate the grass! Your cat! Or you know what? Don’t celebrate anything in particular, bring a celebratory attitude and celebrate everyone who gets up for the Open-Mic!
We’ve invited a poet who will get your energy going. Her performances are full of power and inspirational energy. She was Queensland State Champion in 2020. She is Huda Fadlelmawla!
If you register online and can’t make it, let us know! You can always reach us on Facebook, Instagram or email: poetryinthepark.qld@gmail.com